I purchased a bond bridge roughly this time 2 years ago in order to turn my gas fireplace on with my phone. I have the skytech SR1001 remote which is one you must hold the on or off button down for several seconds in order to get the fire at full height, or to fully turn off. However, when I turned it on or off via the app it would only turn it up or down briefly (meaning I had to press the power on button multiple times to get it fully on, etc).
After messaging with Bond and posting here on the message boards I was directed to the API notes and was told I needed to update the signal to make it go longer. After many (many many) trial and errors I finally figured it out and got it to work. So for the remainder of 2019 and for 2020 everything seemed to work fine.
It has recently started getting cold where I live, so we’ve just started using our fireplace again, but it’s not working as well as it previously did. I basically have to push the power on (or power off if I’m turning it off) button in the app 2x in order to get it to full height or to get it fully off.
I saved my notes from 2 years ago so I referred back to them. But the codes I used are no longer recognized. 2 changes I’ve been able to identify were:
- the IP address for my bond device, which previously worked, has changed
- in the string of commands I used, one code was ‘v2’, which seems to be a problem now and it appears it might need to be ‘v3’
Anyways, I am a complete novice when it comes to this stuff and really don’t have the time to read through all of the notes again to try and figure out all of this again. So if someone could give some clear step by step instructions on how to fix this that would be a huge help.