Following on from this life changing shade control event, I was wondering about grouping. Ideally I want to get to the point that all shades in the room open and close at the same time, as it does with the Smartwings remote.
I had previously asked about grouping shades for other blinds I have in the house - Rollerhouse (Is there a way to sync multiple blinds to go up and down together? - #7 by Fofer) and there was talk about an upcoming group capability.
First I thought I could try learning the remote by putting it in all shades mode and then pressing the P button. None of the shades jog. So this doesn’t appear to work.
Then I tried recording the open and close commands from the all shades command. It got the command immediately but didn’t seem to play it back. But I don’t have the Bond hub in the same room. If it is thought that this approach could work I am happy to move the hub and play around with learning the commands.