I recently added a second Bond hub to improve coverage in my house. The old one could not get to two fans at opposite ends of the house no matter where I put it.
I placed the second hub closer to a group of rollerhouse blinds that I have installed on the old hub. The old hub is running v2.29.7-beta. I changed the reps for the commands to 5 on this version and have never upgraded as it worked almost all of the time.
On the new hub I am running the latest version of the firmware - v3.8.4. I added the blinds. Performance was about 1 in 10 times. So I went through the process of changing the reps on this hub and either I did something wrong or the process is different now as I broke the commands. I get the error message "There was a problem communicating with the device. Please, try again later.
Here is the command I am sending:
curl -H “BOND-Token: b18cacf8b742ca7d” -i -X PATCH -d “{"reps": 5}”
And I get back:
Which looks like it worked.
So I tried resetting it to reps:1 but the command still didn’t work. So obviously I broke something. Thanks for the help.