I’m trying to update the reps, as two of my blinds are a bit flaky and require a couple tries to take a command.
Bond version: “target”:“zermatt-pro”,“fw_ver”:“v4.8.1”,“fw_date”:“Mon Nov 25 21:11:01 UTC 2024”
I’m able to drill into the device, but when I try to access either a command or action I get the following:
curl -H “BOND-Token: xxx” -i http://192.168.xx.xx/v2/devices/f9930fb8d36a79c5/commands/2e3aee193c3477ee
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
BOND-Flags: 4
Content-Length: 236
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
and then for the signal
bws@GamingPC:~$ curl -H “BOND-Token: xx” -i http://192.168.xx.xx/v2/devices/f9930fb8d36a79c5/commands/2e3aee193c3477ee/signal
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Connection: close
BOND-Flags: 4
Content-Length: 0
I get the same 204 response when I work with an actual action also (e.g. action/Close).
Any ideas on how to set retries?
@merck - is it still the case that (some) Templated devices do not expose their signal endpoint / data?
Is there an API way to modify reps even when this is the case for a device?
Also, @bsettlemyer , nice digging so far. Welcome to the forums.
Do you by chance know which Template you have based on the information in Bond, and what brand you see on your blinds?
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Yes, the template is RMS35 (they are Rollease Acmeda blinds).
bws@GamingPC:~$ curl -iH “BOND-Token: xx” http://192.168.xx.xx/v2/devices/f9930fb8d36a79c5
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
BOND-Flags: 4
Content-Length: 394
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{“name”:“Stairs 4”,“type”:“MS”,“location”:“Stairwell”,“template”:“RMS35”,“subtype”:“ROLLER_SHADE”,“tech”:1,“actions”:[“Close”,“DecreasePosition”,“Hold”,“IncreasePosition”,“Open”,“Pair”,“PairAlt”,“SetPosition”,“Stop”,“ToggleOpen”],““:“b60705b5”,”__“:“061112de”,“commands”:{””:“0448d6b0”},“state”:{““:“aa063115”},“properties”:{””:“32b6db4a”},“skeds”:{““:“00000000”},“vrc”:{””:“98ef2f4f”}}
Now that I’m starting to grok the API, it appears that for my blind type the signal field is null, so I’ve been trying to identify where inside these fields I can find something similar. There must be some other type of control channel I guess.