Google Home - had to un-link/re-link to add all fans

I noticed that the Google Home app was only showing two of the five fans I have added to Bond, I believe the ones that were showing up were the first two I added to Bond the morning I was adding all of my fans.

I could not figure out how to get GH app to recognize the other three fans I had set up in Bond, aside from unlinking and then relinking Bond to my GH account.

Is this expected behavior? Shouldn’t the fans update automatically in GH?


No comment on this, @merck? Wondering if this is normal or not.

Hi Dana,

I just tried here with Google Assistant and it does seem that currently unlinking/relinking the BOND with Google Assistant / GH account is needed to get new devices to show up. You’re right, we should look at making that happen automatically. I’ve pinged our GH expert on this.

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Yup - this should “just work” like other devices, rather than having to unlink/relink.

Loving my fan control. Thanks for the follow-up. :slight_smile:

I know its’s an old thread, but all that is needed for Google to see the new devices is to ask Google to sync. As in “Hey Google, sync my devices”