My fans have stopped working via google. Google Home is show the fans as offline. However the lights are fine and google can control them without issue.
Anyone have a thought on this. I restarted the Bond several times with no luck. Will I need to delete the bond from the google home and read it. It doesn’t make sense to me since the lights are working. I have three fans like this now.
Are you using the V2 app, V2 firmware, and V2 Google Action (new Bond logo like the forums, not old one)? There was a problem just like you described with the V1 system.
I get similar issues with Alexa, Hubitat, and the Bond App. Apparently the Bond will lose connection to the cloud service, but it will still work in a limited state. The status LED ring on top will not show the Bond is offline, but if you power cycle the Bond, everything starts working again.