Flashing green after fw update

I am so frustrated and angry. My bond app said it wanted a firmware update so I did it. It failed while rebooting. Communication error. now it is stuck on a flashing green light. I’ve rebooted it with the paper clip and cycled he power, and it ends up flashing green. No matter what I do. The app on my Android seems stuck too. It says the bond is connected to my network, but it is unresponsive.

This happened once before and the only way to restore it was to delete my device in which case I had to reinstall all my devices from scratch.

How can you allow crap like this in the market? You need to add a disclaimer when updating firmware that it is going to crash the bridge and the user will have to reconfigure it and reprogram every associated device. I will never update my firmware unless you can guarantee it won’t junk the configuration and devices.

Shame on you. I’d be fired if my software did this.

Sorry about your frustration. Let’s see what we can do. Hopefully this ^ will not be necessary. Are you using the old app (now named “Bond Bridge”) or the new app (“Bond Home”)? Do you see the Bond’s config AP in your list of available WiFi networks?

I have the lastest app and the latest skill.

How about the last question — do you see the Bond’s config AP in your list of available WiFi networks? If it’s there, what happens when you add it to your account?

Also consider reaching out to customer support at customersupport@bondhome.io or through the in-app chat. I can help you here but they’d be more quick to respond on this kind of thing.

I don’t know. It is back in its box the the closet. Let me know if it ever works properly.

Typos courtesy of child size keyboard and adult size fingers

If the lights are blinking green, then the Bond is in WiFi config mode and you should see its config AP. If you set it up on WiFi, it should work properly.

I shouldn’t have to. I’ve updated software and firmware on lots of devices, but I’ve never had such difficulty as I have with Bond. That needs to fixed. Take a step back. Fix the basics before adding new tricks.

Typos courtesy of child size keyboard and adult size fingers

Most of the time even after a green reset, I think my devices have been there still once I logged back in…

I’ve done a ton of firmware updates (alpha, beta, official, and back again) with 2 different versions of the Bond Bridge.

Any time I’ve had trouble or missed a step, the Bond folks on this forum have been helpful, and I assume support chat would be too.

That being said, just because I’ve had net positive interactions with the team here and the firmware updates doesn’t mean that helps you… But if the Bond comes out of the box in the closet, we all (Bond fan club forum members and Bond employees either on here or through support) will try to assist you getting to a positive stable state.

That is a very kind gesture you’ve made, and I sincerely appreciate it. If and when the time comes that I try to use the Bond, I will rely upon your expertise and your assistance.

At present I am too frustrated to fuss with it. When it works it is great, when it doesn’t, I want to beat it to a pulp with a sledge hammer. Yes, I actually have one.

Happy holidays!

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Thanks Jacob. Your proactive approach is welcome here.