Firmware Upgrade Failure - Error 0x18100

Rescue reset procedure:

  1. Unplug the Bond
  2. Hold down the pinhole button
  3. While holding down the button, plug in the Bond
  4. Hold for ~5 seconds, until the Bond’s LEDs flash

Based on your description, you are missing the unplug/plug-in parts, right? This will restore the version of the firmware that you had when you opened the Bond. At that point, you could resume using the V1 app.

Unfortunately, this was nearly everyone’s experience with the Bond a few weeks ago, independent of V1 or V2 firmware. We’ve made significant changes to our backend, and we’re confident that we’ve eliminated this issue. Apologies for that obviously very annoying bug.

For the most part, that version of the firmware is stable. There have been some bug fixes here and there, but the issues you’ve described are related to the backend, not the firmware. At the start of next week, a version of the V2 app will be released with support for your device — I encourage you to try that out, as the upgrade is more reliable.

See this post for more info on beta testing the V2 app.