BOND HomeBridge Plugin Errors, Can someone kindly help interpret these logs for me? (Adding HomeKit Support)

I have HomeBridge installed on a Pi4 and added the BOND plugin.

It’s not working so far.

Can someone kindly help interpret these logs for me to diagnose and determine the next troubleshooting step?

I confirmed both fixed IP and BOND Tokin is correct in HomeBridge Bond settings.

Nothing new is showing up on under Accessories or Homebridge unassigned room so I thought I’d take a look at the logs. I see a bunch of errors in red so thought I’d reach out for help since I’m a HomeBridge Noob.

Loading logs using native method…
File: /var/lib/homebridge/homebridge.log

mers:559:17)\n at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)",“config”:{“url”:“",“method”:“get”,“data”:"{}",“headers”:{“Accept”:"application/json, text/plain, /”,“BOND-Token”:“002fef57a6c2b403”,“Bond-UUID”:“185ff0b3363d4002”,“Content-Type”:“application/json”,“User-Agent”:“axios/0.21.4”,“Content-Length”:2},“transformRequest”:[null],“transformResponse”:[null],“timeout”:10000,“xsrfCookieName”:“XSRF-TOKEN”,“xsrfHeaderName”:“X-XSRF-TOKEN”,“maxContentLength”:-1,“maxBodyLength”:-1,“transitional”:{“silentJSONParsing”:true,“forcedJSONParsing”:true,“clarifyTimeoutError”:false},“axios-retry”:{“retryCount”:0,“lastRequestTime”:1648240679158}},“code”:“ECONNABORTED”}

[25/03/2022, 18:13:28] [homebridge-bond] [Porch 2 Ceiling fan] actions: SetSpeed,TurnOff,SetDirection,TurnLightOn,OEMWalkAway,OEMTimer,OEMRandom,TurnLightOff,OEMHomeAway,IncreaseBrightness,DecreaseBrightness,Stop,TogglePower,TurnOn,IncreaseSpeed,DecreaseSpeed,ToggleDirection,ToggleLight,SetBrightness
[25/03/2022, 18:13:28] [homebridge-bond] Error getting devices: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘action’)

After a few reboots, 1 of my 10 bond devices is showing up under the HomeBridge Accessories page. I don’t see any new devices via the Apple Home app, add accessory, (more options) screen. No Fan :frowning:

It may be worth raising an issue on the GitHub repository you posted in your original post. That way the developer will become aware of your issue.

Thanks here’s the cross-post to GitHub:
EDIT: I just posted all kinds of interesting findings on the other post linked below

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