Bond local API error with Fanimation kute 44 fan

Hi there! I’m looking for some help with a bond bridge local API error.

I’ve set up a bond bridge to connect some fans to my home assistant. I’m able to turn lights on and off in bond bridge and home assistant. I’m able to adjust the brightness of lights in bond bridge but not in home assistant. Home Assistant gives a 500 error with message BondScript Transmit Failed. I’m able to reproduce that error using curl below. I’d appreciate any advice on how to further diagnose this issue. Please let me know if there’s any other info I should provide.

API Error

❮ curl -v -H "BOND-Token: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -X PUT "http://192.168.Y.Z/v2/devices/aaaaaaaasaaaaaaa/actions/SetBrightness" -d "{\"argument\": 100}"
*   Trying 192.168.Y.Z:80...
* Connected to 192.168.Y.Z (192.168.Y.Z) port 80
> PUT /v2/devices/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/actions/SetBrightness HTTP/1.1
> Host: 192.168.Y.Z
> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 17
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
< HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
< Connection: close
< BOND-Flags: 4
< Content-Length: 61
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{"_error_id":612,"_error_msg":"BondScript Transmit Failed"}
* Closing connection

Fan info

  • Fan: Fanimation kute 44
    • Reciever:
      • WFRCCD854700
      • Fccid: KUJCE10718
    • Remote:
      • TR205D
      • Fccid: KUJCE10711
    • bond bridge template: RCF94v2
  • bridge info
    • model BD-1000
    • firmware v4.7.7

@jeffwdoak Nice find. This is a bug in the RCF94v2 template. I took a look here and was able to repro and fix the bug. I’ll get you a beta build shortly.

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OK @jeffwdoak, we’ve just pushed v4.7.16-beta firmware (update via the beta channel in the app) which should fix the error you reported. I say “should” because I don’t have the hardware in question and have therefore only tested in simulation. I would appreciate if you could confirm the fix on your end. Please scrutinize the behavior of the SetPosition on the API that it really achieves the specific % you request. You may also try using the Increase/Decrease dimming buttons on the app and see how it all works together.

Epicly clear bug report btw! Thank you for that.

Thank you very much! The v4.7.16-beta build solves this issue for me. The setBrightness seems to give correct brightness percentages.

Thanks again for the quick fix!