Special `v4.7.2.1-beta` test for Rollease ARC, AMP, Motion Blinds

Hi All,

If you have any Rollease Acmeda ARC motors, or Turnils AMP, or Coulisse Motion Blinds, then I’d appreciate you giving this v4.7.2.1-beta a spin.

What Changed since v4.7.2

We are experimenting with a modified control signal that should have noticeably better range.

What needs to be tested

We are pretty confident that the range will be improved.

What we do not know is whether this modified control signal works with every motor model that Rollease and others have ever made.

So, if you can give it a try and report whether you are still able to do Open/Close/Stop (and SetPosition with slider if applicable) on all your motors, that would give us some confidence ahead of a planned stable release next week.

If you have a motor that works in earlier v4.7.x but fails in v4.7.2.1, it would be great to know the motor model number if it’s not too much of a pain for you to grab it. Often a photo of the motor label is enough.


Did this get incorporated into subsequent firmwares? If yes, would it have had any impact on moving a group of shades (Rollease) together ?

I upgraded my bondbridge pro from 4.5.x to 4.7.x and it seems like moving a group is a bit less synchronous. (IE in a group of 4, there’s just a tad bit delay between shade 1 starts, shade 2 starts, and then shades 3&4 start simultaneously.

I didn’t buy the bond bridge until June 2023, so I assume I don’t need to repeat the pairing process.

Could be my imagination, but did want to ask…

Yes, and yes. However the start times should be within 2 sec of eachother regardless of the size of the group.

Thanks for the quick reply. Again, somewhat going by memory here, but I recall thinking the 4.5.x firmware was almost Lutron-like in its synchronization. Now the behavior feels a tiny bit less premium.

Is there any way to downgrade back to 4.5.x ?

Checking here, actually I would NOT expect groups to have degraded synchrony. They should have continued to move together. (The caveat is that devices which previously were out of range would move slightly staggered.)

@Nechaken how much of a staggering are we talking about? Can you measure it? (You could record audio of it perhaps?)

Ahh, good idea. I will try to do a recording this weekend and measure timing.

Wow, I got way too distracted with various other things.

I have 4 shades in a group. I took a video and track beginning of movement.

Shade 1 - movement starts at t=0

Shade 2 - movement starts at t=1.24

Shades 3&4 - movement starts at t=2.38. No perceptible delay between 3&4.

This isn’t a HUGE deal, but tighter synchronization does give a more premium feel.

I’m not aware of a way to downgrade to the earlier firmware to confirm my (admittedly, unmeasured) recollection of the behavior in 4.5.x. Is there a way to do that? (Secret menu in the app, ssh’ing into the box, etc?)

Also – Just realized I had a FW update to 4.8.1. Applied that and behavior “feels” the same as with 4.7. (Haven’t measured)