I have a “Master Flame” remote. FCC ID EPK 9575TX
When I pair it with Bond, it auto-suggests “RFP21” - The “High” and “Low” functions on this remote work pretty well [except I’d like them to end after ~10 seconds instead of tapping again]
This remote seems to auto-save to the cloud, so I can’t interact with it locally via api (I’ve had success with this)
I’ve tried programming the two buttons, but they don’t work as well as the RFP21 functions. How can I recreate them locally?
I want to actually remap these to ‘Fireplace On’ and ‘Fireplace Off’ so they’ll be compatible with “Home Assistant” (and eventually Homekit via scenes).
I’ve tried messing around with the “Signal” in the API, but it just doesn’t work as well as that cloud remote.