iOS/Android apps - v2.13.0-beta2 release

Hey guys,
yesterday we deployed beta versions of both apps, that’s v2.13.0-beta2 on Android, which is available in Fabric and v2.13.0 (1598) on iOS, available in Testflight.

Here’s what changed and what we would like for you to test. This may include stuff from the beta1, since we didn’t made a nice post like this one.

Both Apps

  • State tracking for most recorded devices
    • You will see the buttons hightlight in green if that state is active.
  • Trust tracked state option on Device Settings
  • Ability to fix the light toggle state on Device Settings
    • Only for devices that have a Toggle Light command!
  • Summer and Winter support for Smart by Bond devices
  • Stability and UI fixes

iOS Specific

  • iOS 13 beta users were experiencing a crash, mostly while adding a new Bond to the account. That should no longer happen, please let me know if you have any problems with iOS 13.

Known Issues

This issues were found and are already being worked on:

  • After adding a Bond to the account, you will probably get stuck on “Waiting for your Bond to get online” until it times-out (like 2m)
  • After that you will see your Bond on the Dashboard but it will show offline. Closing the App and opening it again will make it available.
  • First time you open the app after the upgrade, all your Bonds will show up as offline, a pull-to-refresh will bring them back on. That’s due a change in how we handle some certificates from previous versions, and should only happen once.

Android Specific

  • Some users were experiencing a crash right after opening the app on v2.12.0 and up. That should no longer happen.
  • Check and ask for Location permissions, check if the location is on, and ask to turn on, at the Search for Device screen
    • Android requires location permission, and that the location is turned on in order to scan for Wi-Fi networks, which we need to find the Bond’s near you.

Please let us know what you think of the trust tracked state option.


Should we use Beta by Crashlytics (Android), Testflight (iOS), Google Play Store, or Apple App Store to get the latest beta-compliant version of the app?

Beta by Crashlytics: 2.9.0-beta2 (21316) showing as the latest
Google Play Store: early access member, 2.12.1
Testflight: ?
Apple App Store: ?

Beta by Crashlytics - Fabric (Android) and Testflight (iOS).
@residualimages I’ll check why you are not receiving the Fabric update, probably you are on the wrong distribution group.

– EDIT –

I’ve added links for joining the Beta groups in the original post

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Does this version include cloud devices?

My hub is running firmware v2.7.4-beta and I haven’t been able to upgrade it since, I upgraded the app hoping that would make a difference but on this version of previous each time I try the update it gets to 10% really fast and says

Although the app is controlling my devices fine. Any suggestions?

There was an issue from beta firmwares 2.6.45 to 2.7.12 on Bonds with serials starting in A or B where the Bond would become unupgradeable a while after boot. The solution is to power cycle your Bond and then upgrade it.

Yes, it does. And then the next version will include offline versions of these cloud devices.


Yes, it does. And then the next version will include offline versions of these cloud devices.

I can’t tell you how excited this makes me!

If by power cycle the Bond you mean pull the power and wait a minute then plug it back in I did that but after it came back up I still couldn’t update it my bridge is an A model. Thanks.

Device: Samsung S7 Edge, Android Version 8.0.0
Requested testing feedback:

State tracking for most recorded devices

Works without issue

Trust tracked state option on Device Settings

Works but sets the speed to a spinning condition on the speed number that doesn’t stop till I back out of the fan and back in.

Ability to fix the light toggle state on Device Settings

The light stays green if it thinks its on no matter how I try and manipulate the tracked stated in settings or the reverse if it is supposed to be off.

Summer and Winter support for Smart by Bond devices

Not applicable for me

Stability and UI fixes

Really liking the way the buttons are laid out. No crashes or errors.

Some users were experiencing a crash right after opening the app on v2.12.0 and up. That should no longer happen.

Didn’t happen before or now

Check and ask for Location permissions, check if the location is on, and ask to turn on, at the Search for Device screen

Not sure how to get this prompt but wasn’t asked and I didn’t see it in settings.

Please let us know what you think of the trust tracked state option.

I like the idea. All my lights are toggles though and I am not sure if it will make much difference if I set the same speed twice.

Hope this helps!

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You guys got me all excited there for a bit with the v2.14.0-alpha2 (21713) email.

I’m assuming @merck, @marcio, or @jacob will be telling us the update news soon, or pulling the release if the alpha wasn’t supposed to go out?
I don’t think I’ll take my ZZ Bridge from its current 2.7.18-beta to the listed ‘update’ 2.7.18-alpha.
I was brave and put 2.7.18-alpha on the BD Bridge since it had been on 2.13.something-beta.

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Yeah I figured that had to be the case. I’m just excited about features on the way.

Same here :slight_smile:

Sorry, that was my fault, I accidentally released an internal build to a group when trying to add someone to the group. I thought I already revoked access to this build to everyone affected, but it seems I missed a few people at the end of the list. I’ve cleared the list now.

The build will come next week with the proper release notes etc., but for now it requires a bit more testing.

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You know you’ve got some ridiculous customers when we’re up on Thursday nights excitedly installing something that clearly says “alpha” haha!

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No worries :wink:
I have so many home lab projects I’m in the middle of its probably better it’s next week.

The way we operate is, “…-alpha” versions are company-internal for quality/integration testing, and may have serious breakages.

“…-Beta” versions allow y’all to give feedback about some new feature ahead of the master release. We try to catch bugs before we get to beta, because we are looking for “did we build the right thing” feedback, rather than “does it work at all”.

Master releases have no special suffix, and go out to all.