HunterDouglas PowerRise 2.0 with Platinum Technology

Darn… very frustrating. Really impressed with the product, especially its “hackability”. Will have to find another use for it.

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Since Bond does not support this RF band, has anyone found another product that works?

Other than using a spare remote and hacking together something to send button presses, or getting lucky and finding a Platinum Hub / Gateway for PowerRise on eBay, not sure there is much to offer.

The newer Hunder Douglas PowerView product line at least seems to have some more readily available options - but still nothing compatible with the hardware capabilities of Bond, as far as I can tell.

Did you ever find a solution? In the meantime I think HunterDouglas released a new PowerView. Is it perhaps backwards compatible?

Not sure if it’s backwards compatible with previously installed blinds, as I think it’s a new motor / communication protocol?
But at least the PowerView product line has an open, local-network based API.