Fan Increase / Decrease Speed with Home Assistant

Currently home assistant integration doesn’t include the increase or decrease speed button.
I have a fan (dyson) that is integrated via IR, works great via the app but can only toggle power and direction via home assistant.

To work around this I’m trying to do RESTAPI integration with a home assistant button but can’t get the RESTAPI to like the Increase or Decrease speed action

  • returns {“_error_id”:7,“_error_msg”:“bad argument”}
  • FYI: Show raw log (power toggle and direction works).
curl --location --request PUT 'http://192.168.x.x/v2/devices/XXXXXX/actions/IncreaseSpeed' \
--header 'Bond-Token: YYYYYYYY' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '{}'

You’ll need a parameter in the data field (it looks like just a blank {} in your example above), saying how many speed levels to increase.

See here

Thank you that worked, it would be useful if there were curl generation within the api swagger because I don’t really find it super clear (probably user error)