Bond Bridge + Homekit integration (via Homebridge)

Hi, I have just picked up a Bond Bridge from a Broadlink.

Somfy RTS blinds work well - no halfway positions etc but simple open/close controls seamless from homekit and/or Siri.

I have added a fireplace that has multiple controls eg:

*fan on/off, speed
*ambience burner on/off
*Flame height 1,2,3,4,5

  • aux light on/off
  • backlight 1,2,3,4,5

In homekit I am not able to see any control other than a simple light bulb, ‘on/off’ switch. when i operate the light switch it appears as a dimmer slider however what does that control?

Is there a way to at least add fan and/or flame height to the mix? almost presenting as fan speed similar to how ceiling fans work with bond bridge & homekit?

Its sort of useless sitting in Homekit as on/off.


Are you using aaron22’s HomeBridge plugin or the built-in HomeKit integration in the bridge (which is restricted to shades AFAIK).

Sorry should have mentioned, aarons22’s plugin.

Ceiling Fan works well with Homekit, basic but can control speeds + on/off. no timer buttons which are configured in bond.

I just have a light switch with dimmer slider which I am guessing controls flame height as the Fan does not seem to change with it.


Ok. I think the way forward would be for a developer to implement the support in his plugin and open a PR on that repository.

Or, if you just want Siri, you can use Siri Shortcuts in the Bond Home app.

Thank you, yes I can try a shortcut…

Would BB Pro work differently with such fireplace due to native Homekit?


We have released HomeKit support on all Bridges now, but only for Shades.


@merck – I have a regular Bond Bridge and am trying to enable HomeKit support for Somfy Shades – however I only see Alexa, Google Assistant and SmartThings in Integrations and no mention of HomeKit under the bridge settings > Advanced Settings. Any pointers?

You’ll need the v4 firmware but it’s not out yet for BD-1000 Bond Bridge. Working thru an issue with the chip vendor. It is available now on Bond Bridge Pro BD-1750.

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I have the new 4.x beta firmware and HomeKit is working great with my Somfy RTS roller shades!

Do you know if there’s a way to trigger the shades to scroll to the “favorite” position that’s pre-programmed via the ‘my’ button? Would asking Siri to set the shades to 50% accomplish that?

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You can just specify the % that you want. I think you can do this via our forever-beta HomeKit integration.

Note that for the special case of RTS, the Hold and Preset actions send the same RF signal. So you could also use the Hold action (“Stop”) if it be exposed on your integration.