I was able to setup my blinds with Bond without issue. There is open, close and stop. The Remote features a “middle” or 3rd position between the max open and max close. Would it be possible to add a extra setting to capture this on non-Somfy blinds in the app?
The remote also has some features like tilt/etc, but these arn’t a priority for me to see in the Bond app.
MMMM. I contacted support on May 26th 2021 with the same request to add functionality to the Dooya remote control so I can Tilt or what ever Dooya is calling the third settings for the blind but so far Bond has not done anything. Did you actually call them or contact them via chat? maybe if enough people will request/complain to them to add those extra buttons they will actually take us seriously. If the issue is about getting a remote control unit shipped to them for testing, I am willing to pay for an extra remote and ship them a remote.
What I did to overcome the issue until they develop the new template is I added an additional blind and then I programmed the open close and stop to the tilt command so now I can send tilt commands via Bond. What I am not able to figure out is the third function pressing the middle button for an extended period of time. I wish that Bond will open their code so we can tweak the commands/templates.
Some devices can have their data tweaked via API (data, reps, etc) but it isn’t the most painless, and some templated devices are too complex to make fully editable.
It does seem useful for each affected person to let the Bond team know officially (via in-app chat, or email to customerservice@olibra.io) when they are affected by a missing / incomplete device so that the Bond team can triage the most requested improvements.