Wanted: Alexa users in Australia

Amazon just approved our Alexa skill in Australia :confetti_ball:

However, we’re having trouble getting a flight to Australia to test it there. Can someone Down Under give it a try? All you need is (1) an Amazon Alexa account setup in Australia using Australian English, (2) link it with your Bond account, (3) try discovering and controlling your Bond devices.

We’re interested to know whether there’s any gotchas in the linking process and how the latency feels for you. Our tests indicate the latency to be acceptable, but we want to know your impressions of ground truth.

(FYI @joaoricardo)


Although we got approved this morning, I’m still not able to find the skill on Australian Alexa app. It might be just some delay between approval and updating the store listing.
Anyway, we’ll keep this topic updated with any news!