V3.21.6.14 Release Notes

Trying to dig up the release notes for v3.21.6.14 that has just dropped in my app.

So, the v3.21.6.14 is a temporary version. If you hit “update” again you should get v4.7.1.2:

Release notes for v4.7.1.2:

Two-Step Upgrade

BD-1000 users currently on v2.x or v3.x will need to upgrade twice:

Old Stable		v3.21.3.6
Temporary 		v3.21.6.14
New Stable		v4.7.1.2

What’s Changed since v4.6.5

  • Fix longstanding issue that caused general instability on BD-1000 and BD-920. We believe this may improve the reliability of Groups and Schedules.
  • Fix issue where Sidekick information did not update on the app screen. It now updates live.
  • Blink light ring when Virtual Remote Control is used.
  • Awning support for SunPro (RMS5), correcting Open/Close directions. Applies only when subtype is set to “Awning”.
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Thank you, just before I upgrade, can i confirm it’s possible to revert to Old Stable if things were to go sideways?

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Basically, yes. You should be able to “undo” back to v3.21.6.14 from the firmware update screen. This is essentially the same as the v3.21.3.6 version just with a provision for allowing the v4 update.

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