V2.6.10-beta release

since upgrading to this one it seems the bond device will infrequently flash its ring led white (possibly a very light blue) very briefly a few times every now and then.

i have the led off, and the device is located inside a visible part of my av cabinet, so gets noticed while watching tv.

i am unsure what these flashes represent, though i suspect it may be a reboot (however functionality remains active so probably not that) or roaming to another access point (logs do suggest it occassionally roams from one to another however i havent checked this straight after a flash)

has anyone else noticed this or does anyone have an explanation?

Based on this old documentation Iā€™d say your suspicion has some merit, @walter_ego.
@Merck or @Jacob should have some next steps troubleshooting.

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thanks @residualimages

i am thinking that the reboots may be caused by wifi anyway. i had reboot on wifi failure enabled, and my wifi network may have been attempting to steer the device to another access point or radio which i guess it could perceive as a wifi failure.

iā€™ve turned the reboot on wifi failure setting off and will see what happens

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i dug a little deeper and also noticed that at some point in time (im guessing when i hit update for the latest version) the bond device started reauthenticating about every 10 minutes (and continues to do so with reboot on wifi failure disabled) as seen here:

This is a chart of STA JOIN events from my access points (when a client station has successfully authenticated and joined the wifi network). the count is hourly but the chart is scaled to three hourly, UTC+10.

if i instead chart STA LEAVE events the chart is basically the same, which suggests the device is intentionally choosing to reauth, perhaps as a result of rebooting

i tried to find the point in time when i requested the new snowbird firmware but it appears that it occurred over https (unlike the 2.6.7 firmware which appeared to be retrieved over http) and couldnā€™t spot it. will look a bit harder later. i did it within the last few days though, which could fit the chart.

i compared to other small linux and embedded IoT devices (tplink smart plugs, sonoff basics, echo dots, hue bridge, nest devices, etcā€¦) and didnā€™t see similar results.

i am unable to find any logs about attempting to wifi steer the device either, so i currently donā€™t think itā€™s that.

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Based on your description, the BOND program is crashing or rebooting! Itā€™s probably rebooting, and I do also suspect that it has to do with ā€œreboot on wifi failureā€ not properly detecting that youā€™re connected to WiFi. Iā€™ll investigate today.

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cheers @jacob, if theres any additional information youā€™d like please let me know

rebooting seems to have stopped. will provide more detail in the morning once iā€™ve taken a peek.