Smartthings (Samsung Connect)

There’s a field you could use for this, reps (documented here). When you’re recording a raw signal (as opposed to getting a fully-built result from our remotes database), this field defaults to 1, but you could increase it to 10. This’d basically replicate you tapping the button 10 times in quick succession. This has worked for other users with similar issues.

You’d want to record your “Down” signal as an “Off” (of course, you can keep the plain “Down” as well), then modify its reps so that it sends a repeated signal.

The curl for this would look like:

curl -i -H "BOND-Token: <your Bond's token>" http://<Your Bond's serial>.local/v2/devices/<device_id>/commands/<command_id>/signal -X PATCH -d '{"reps": 10}'

There’s a lot to unpack there, we definitely need to get an in-app way to modify this! The token can be found in the Bond’s settings, the device ID can be found in the device’s settings, the command ID I guess you’d have to “discover” by requesting the commands list as follows:

curl -i -H "BOND-Token: <your Bond's token>" http://<Your Bond's serial>.local/v2/devices/<device_id>/commands

You’ll get a list of IDs which you could individually query with

curl -i -H "BOND-Token: <your Bond's token>" http://<Your Bond's serial>.local/v2/devices/<device_id>/commands/<command_id>

until you find the one you’re looking for.

If this all seems really intimidating, PM me your Bond ID and the name of the fireplace and I could either find the command ID for you, or just directly tweak the reps for you.

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