Anyone working on Savant driver?
We are using it with RTI and it’s amazing
Hey Pablo,
I don’t know of anyone working on a Savant profile, however that would be interesting.
Perhaps you can check/ask on the Savant Community?
Already check. No one yet
Don’t know where you are looking!
There already is an official Bond driver included with Savant.
Quick check and it shows up immediately
Thanks. I was looking in the profile section of the dealer website. But obviously I did it wrong. Thanks again
Were you able to get this working?
Is the Bond Device ID the Address(1) Parameter? I tried this and can’t seem to get it to work.
For fans I have ‘1’ in Address(2) per the profile note (this is the only note in the profile, no other notes/instructions included)
I have a similar problem trying to get the Bond profile for Savant to work. Anyone was able to get it working? Any pointers?
Thanks in advance
For issues with this integration, please open a Support Ticket with Savant. (This is their integration.)
Just looking to see if anyone has a functional Savant profile to integrate Fans, Lighting, Fireplaces, and Shades?
Welcome, Dustin! I moved your post to this thread. Apparently there is some official support from Savant. For details please contact Savant as per their request.
Hi Merck
I got the profile to work for Shutters (in Savant appears as a Shade). The profile works fine for Up and Down commands but the Stop command is not working. After talking to Savant they say they don’t have the correct Stop command on file to do it, By any chance could you help me get it. For example shade up I have
<release_action name=“ShadeUp”></release_action>
<osd_press_action name=“ShadeUp”></osd_press_action>
For Down the same but “ShadeDown”
Could you help me with that is the correct STOP instruction
I got it to work for Shades.
1- Put in the BOND BRIDGE profile in SAVANT, state variables–> the local token found on the Bond Bridge
2-Put the IP of the bridge on the control port
3-In the shade table you have to put in Address(1) the Device ID found in the Device Settings of the shade you are controlling
I cannot help with SAVANT directly because we don’t have any documentation on the Bond<>SAVANT integration. However, I can give you an API perspective: for Somfy RTS shades we support the following actions:
- Open
- Close
- Hold
- Preset
Note that, for RTS, both Hold and Preset send the same underlying “My” signal. The RTS protocol apparently doesn’t have a way to differentiate these two user intents.
Do let us know how the SAVANT integration works for you!
Thanks for the reply Merck.
That’s is what I need the api commands. But in this case is not for somfy shades is for 433.92 other type of motor, In the Bond app I only see open, close and stop. What would be the api command for stop?
The profile in Blueprint works well, however, it’s not possible to be included in customer scenes as it’s not possible to create variable shade in “shade data table”. Triggers work well.
Is this a SAVANT or Bond issue? In the former case, please let SAVANT know through the proper channels.
Hi Merck
I was using the bond profile in savant with no issues for more than a year but as of 2 weeks ago it stop working and the only thing that is different if my mind doesn fail me it was an update form bond directly from the bond app. Savant hasn’t issue a software update or the profile has not been changed in savant. The shades work fine for up, down, stop but when doing scenes there is the problem that it just not work since 2 weeks ago approx. help please
I’m not aware of any changes that would have impacted SAVANT integration. Just “scenes” stopped working? Sounds like a SAVANT thing. If SAVANT can Up/Down/Stop, they should also be able to execute their scenes.
A few questions:
- What’s the first 4 digits of your Bond serial number?
- What’s the current firmware version?
Also, please reach out to our Customer Support for more responsive support. These forums are on a best-effort basis.
Hi Alfredo,
Were you able to add Bond Shades into Savant User scene directly? I’m aware that Savant scene only supports variable shades.
Hi Tung
Is possible but with a workaround that duplicates the amount of shades
1-You have to add the Somfy Connnect UAI to blueprint (you don’t need the physical device)
2- connect to an rs232 input in blueprint like the one on the s2
3- create the shade data table with the shades that will be controlled by bond
4- duplicate those shades (I use the same name with a suffix to differentiate) and select the somfy as the controller, put any address like 123451,123451 to those shades. Also put it as a slider entity
5- Create a trigger that executes when if ->ShadeLevel_”idofthesomfyshade” is greater of 50 then->shade up the shade the bond is controller else->shade down
This will let you put them in to scenes. Be aware of the limits of the host ant the shades count. And the other thing when you go in the app is shade when you hit the 3 dots will have 2 shades one a slider and one with open-stop-close