Would it be possible for the Bond device’s Local API to support CORS headers? Should be a simple addition.
This would allow custom web-based apps that use the Local API to communicate to it without having to create a proxy.
Would it be possible for the Bond device’s Local API to support CORS headers? Should be a simple addition.
This would allow custom web-based apps that use the Local API to communicate to it without having to create a proxy.
Would it be possible for the Bond device’s Local API to support CORS headers?
I don’t see why not.
Yeah, should be pretty fast, I’ll look into it.
Got it working, I’ll get it in a beta release next week, barring anyone pointing out any flaws in a review of my implementation.
Awesome! Thank you, @jacob.
This will save me time on my end.
Looking forward to using this in a beta release soon.
Releasing this to Beta now, v2.11.3
How can I update my bond to beta firmware?
You just need a “beta” app. Here’s some older beta apps, but they will get you the right firmware. You can delete the beta app and go back to the production app once you’ve upgraded the firmware.
Thank you for that.
I was able to get the beta firmware.
And I can confirm that CORS headers are working as expected for me.
This is a relief. I can now shut down my own proxy API and instead, use Bond Local API directly.
One less thing to host / worry about on my LAN.
Whoah, awesome! Props to @jacob for taking the initiative to implement this over the weekend!
Just remember not to upgrade your Bond firmware until you see a release version v2.11+. (We don’t have any plans to release another v2.10.x, but we may if there’s a need for a hotfix.)