(Note: this is all using the API on a Bond Home running firmware v2.15.8.1)
I’m using a scan to capture an IR command:
curl [...]/v2/signal/scan -d {
"freq": 38,
"modulation": "OOK"
The result of the scan looks like:
I’m able to replay this using signal/tx,
curl [...]/v2/signal/tx -d {"use_scan": true}
I then stored this as a signal (with “use_scan”: true), and it is used corrrectly:
curl [...]/v2/devices/4af352fb/commands/67b74616/signal
"use_scan": true,
"freq": 38,
"bps": 40000,
"reps": 1,
"modulation": "OOK",
"encoding": "hex",
"data": [...]
It matches the scan result. However, when I try to send the signal using /v2/devices/{device}/commands/{command}/tx it returns a 204 (expected I think), but the command doesn’t seem to be sent (unlike signal/tx, I don’t see the command do anything).
I’m not sure if I’m using the device commands incorrectly, or if there’s some bug.