Select blinds schedule

I have Select blinds. I have 3 blinds in my office. I have setup a schedule but I want to open only half way. How would I do that? When they close they do go all the way closed.

The only way to do this would be if there was a slider control available in the app. You can try to see if it can be enabled:

Just got a reply from Bond. They are working on a slider for the app. I really don’t understand. I had set up everything last year when I purchased the shades and Bond. All worked perfectly. I had a major internet problem and had to redo my Bond settings. A hassle but did it. So when I had setup the first shade to open at 8 am it gave me an option to set position to 50% closed everyday. When I went to set the same for shade #2 there was no option. Shade #1 worked opening to 50%. Very strange.

Hey @67Corvette ,

I’m Endy, one of Olibra’s engineers.

I believe that shade #2 is missing some configuration to allow it to be handed to 50%.
Can you share with me your Bond ID so I can look into some general logs and try to assist you with that? You can send it via a DM if you prefer :slight_smile:

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