Does local control work on firmware v2 or we'll need v3?

So it’s possible with v2 for most devices to be fully local.
There’s a way to check via the API (when you’re on the same network as the Bond Bridge, if you look through the API’s “devices” node, anything local will show).

If the device was added early in the V2 firmware, it may have been added as a cloud device, and rerecording as a new device might do the local version automatically.
If not - as in the second device also does not show in the “devices” API node after an automatic attempt adding and template match - then if you add as a manually recorded device (turn off database searching / matching when adding as a third device), and you record each command individually, it will be added as a local device.

That being said, the Bond team has mentioned that there are a few rare devices (weird signal and/or specific state-aware remotes) that are still “cloud only” devices, as you saw scattered throughout the forums.

If all of the steps I mentioned above don’t lead to a local device, what Template do you see under the Advanced details in the Bond app for that Hunter Overton Fan? Maybe someone else from the community, or the Bond team, could confirm if they have local control over a fan using that template?