Aircon - is it coming soon?

Is there a firm timeline for adding aircon devices?

I just purchased the Bond Bridge. Setup, app etc all good. Works as described with somfy shades. There are very few products that work with somfy as they use a rolling code (e.g. broadlink doesn’t work) - I think it was smart to get somfy onto Bond Bridge as it differentiates the product.

I have one bond bridge and would buy 4 more if it worked with aircon.

P.s. I really want one device per room that does all my IR and RF. There isn’t a product out here that does this well yet (and works with somfy). Please help me avoid buying Sensibo and get Aircon working!

Hey Elliot!

Have you tried adding a new “ceiling fan” device, going to advanced, clearing the check box for Database matching, and then manually recording each remote key press to a button named something reasonably close to the actual AC remote button?

I’ve used “ceiling fan” and “fireplace” device types with raw recording all of the original remote’s buttons to successfully branch out from officially supported devices. (If you use “generic device” you get a lot fewer buttons in BOND to choose from)

See here for an example:
“Ceiling fan” device type - custom IR device

(not to say that official AC support isn’t a nice thing to have when the Bond folks are able to get it supported officially! This is more just a workaround solution for the time being)