Are you able to route this to the dev team or whoever works on the
python package/home assistant integration?
I want to mention, that before you see my feedback below, that I love
my bond hub. Its awesome. Brilliant product at a great price and it
JUST works, with LOCAL support for smart homes. Amazing in today’s
world. The docs are all also very good, really end-to-end its amazing
and should be a model for other smart products and technology in
I have a DC 9 speed fan that uses template RCF98v2.
It exposes “Random 1”, “Random 2”, “Random 3”.
These are effectively different breeze modes.
I use home assistant and its not exposing these modes as “Breeze”.
I see inside of the python API that it exposes device, device
properties, and device_state.
I was going to refactor the Home Assistant integration so that it can
dynamically detect the “random” settings and set those are presets,
but the python library doesnt return the commands to dynamically
figure that out based on the template.
If not this, then maybe a “custom” service to call an action with an
argument via home assistant? I may try to take a stab at this.
Update 1
I wrote this and then eventually cloned home assistant and made some tweaks so that if OEMRandom is a supported action, that exposes “Random 1” “Random 2” and “Random 3”.
I then had it call the action with the appropriate arguments.
It works, but its not good enough to expand to others.
Here are the changes that work for me. But ideally we get access to the command list to make the preset match the dynamic amount of random modes?